"Jurassic Park" is a science fiction novel written by Michael Crichton, first published in 1990. The story revolves around the fictional island of Isla Nublar, where billionaire industrialist John Hammond creates a theme park populated with cloned dinosaurs. To achieve this, Hammond's company, InGen, uses advanced genetic engineering to resurrect ancient species, including the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex and velociraptors.
The narrative explores the consequences of manipulating nature and the ethical dilemmas surrounding genetic engineering. The park's security systems fail, leading to chaos as the dinosaurs roam freely and pose a threat to the human characters visiting the island. The novel delves into the implications of playing with nature and the potential dangers of scientific advancements without proper precautions.
"Jurassic Park" was highly successful and led to the creation of a blockbuster film adaptation directed by Steven Spielberg in 1993. The film was a massive hit, combining groundbreaking special effects with thrilling storytelling. The success of both the novel and the movie spawned a franchise that includes several sequels, theme park attractions, and merchandise.
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